そのだえり / Erie Sonoda
an illustrator for children’s book.
born in 1981. majored in architecture at the university.
in the vocational school, majored in graphic design.
selected for the illustrator’s exhibition for children’s book of Bologna 2007.
a member of Japan Children’s Book Artists Society (Click!)
living in Tokyo Japan.
Technique : pencil and water color.
1981年生まれ。昭和女子大学にて住居建築学を学んだ後、 東洋美術学校グラフィック・デザイン科を卒業。 2007年、ボローニャ国際絵本原画展入選。主な作品に「ちいさなりすのエメラルド」シリーズ、「みならいサンタ」(ともに文溪堂)、「いじわるアイザック」(Discover21)、「SERVICE DE NUIT」(仏・Lirabelle)など。
日本児童出版美術家連盟 (Click!) 会員。
twitter:@erie_croc ( in almost Japanese ) >> (Click!)
instagram : @eriesonoda ( in English and Japanese, if I could ) >> (Click!)
「絵本のいま 絵本作家」(玄光社) (Click!)
contact おといあわせ
わにさん絵本”Service De Nuit”、自費出版本”おやすみどうぶつ100″をお取り扱いいただいております。通信販売もなさっておいでです。よかったら。
営業時間 12:00〜19:00 (水曜・木曜お休み)
web site >> (Click!)
web shop >> (Click!)
a picture book “Service De Nuit” is sold in the “Book Gallery Popotame” in Mejiro, Tokyo. They open at 12:00 -19:00 (fri. – tue.).
●ティール・グリーン in シード・ヴィレッジさん●
web site>> https://teal-green.com/
Records of works of picture book and surroundings (for my weak memory)
絵本「Service De Nuit」(フランス・Lirabelle ) (Click!) が出版されました。
the first picture book “Service De Nuit ” was published by Lirabelle (Click!) in France.
a short story ” A Big Watermelon” was published at “Hoppe” ( no.29 ) the magazine for children of Gakken in Japan.
絵本「こわくないもん」( enbooks) (Click!) が出版されました。
the 2nd picture book “Kowakunaimon( I am never scared)” was published by enbooks (Click!) in Japan.
the 3rd picture book ” Nezumi no Docchi (Docchi the Mouse)” was published as one of “Ohanashi Pooka” 2012 series by Gakken in Japan.
ほぼ画集のメッセージブック「Birthday」&「For you」(ディスカヴァー・トゥエンティワン) (Click!) が出版されました。
most of my illustrations are published as 2 kinds of message book “For You” and “Happy Birthday” by Discover21 (Click!) in Japan.
the 4th picture book “Iziwaru Isaac” was out by Discover21 in 2013.
「いじわるアイザック」のフランス語版が「ISAAC, l’affreux mechant loup」として nobi nobi! (Click!) より出版されました。
挿絵を担当した短編「りすくんかぞくのふゆ」(作/新井悦子さん)が、「キンダーブックじゅにあ」12月号(フレーベル館) (Click!) に掲載されました。
“Iziwaru Isaac” was translated and out as “ISAAC, l’affreux mechant loup” by nobi nobi! (Click!) in France.
a very short story “Santa Claus’s apprentice” was published in “Hanako mama”vol.22 that is a free paper for the nursery children by Magazine House.
illustrations for a short story “risu kun kazoku no fuyu” written by Etsuko Arai were purblished in “Kinder Book Junior” (Dec. ) that is a magazine for the nursery children by Froebel-Kan.
「いじわるアイザック」韓国語版が、Kookmin Books (Click!) より出版されました。
挿絵を担当した「Message Book」2種がディスカヴァー・トゥエンティワンより発売されました。
“ISAAC” was out by KOOKMIN BOOKS (Click!) in Korea, too !
絵本「ちいさなりすのエメラルド」(文溪堂) (Click!) が出版されました。
挿絵を担当した短編「きつねのはいたつやさん」(作/ねぎしれいこさん)が、「キンダーブック2」4月号(フレーベル館) (Click!) に掲載されました。
「いじわるアイザック」「アイザック恋におちる」のベトナム語版が、Phu Si Books Joint-Stock Companyさんより出版されました。
the 5th picture book ” Chi-i-sana Risu no Emerald ( a little squirrel Emerald)” was published by Bunkeido (Click!) in Japan.
illustrations for a short story “kitsune no haitatsu ya san” written by Reiko Negishi was purblished in “Kinder Book 2” (Apr. ) that is a magazine for the nursery children by Froebel-Kan.
“Isaac”and “Isaac falls in love” ware out by Phu Si Books Joint-Stock Company in Vietnam.
in 2017…ummm, i’ve worked hard for the next picture book in 2017. i guarantee it.
in 2018, a picture book “Emerald no sagashi-mono” (means like “Emerald is looking for her guest”) was published by Bunkeido. illustrations for the non-fiction novel “Inu no Kurumaisu monogatari”(means like” The story of dogs with wheelchairs”,written by Toshiko Sawada san) this novel is out from Aoi-Tori-Bunko of Kodansha. illustrations for a picture book “Risku kun kazoku no fuyu” (means like ” a Winter life of the squirrel family”, written by Etsuko Arai san) is out as “Koro Koro ehon “(Dec.) . this magazine is for the nursery children by Froebel-Kan. a picture book “A Little Squirrel Emerald” was translated and published as “Vous pouvez me lire ce livre?” by nobi-nobi in France.
in 2019, a picture book”Minarai Santa” (means “the Santa Claus’s Apprentice”) was published by Bunkei-do.
in 2020, a picture book “NEGAIGOTO” (this title means “a WISH”. i’ve drew pictures for. the story by Masumi Asano) will be published by Gakken Plus.
主な参加展示 (main exhibitions I have participated)
世界26カ国96人の若手作家によるイラスト展・Blue Book Group 展 (Click!) 。
a member of the Exhibition of Blue Book Group 2010 (Click!)
グループ展「Z RUKY DO RUKY 手から手へ」
公式サイト>> (Click!)
日本巡回展公式サイト>> (Click!)
a member of the exhibition of Z RUKY DO RUKY(From Hand To Hand) (Click!)
web >> (Click!)
the exhibition of ” Hibernation” by 6 illustrators
and the exhibition of “100 illustrations of sleeping animals”
at the Book Gallery Popotame.
「絵本・動物・地球展 -8人の作家が奏でるいのちのうた」(群馬県立館林美術館)
web >> (Click!)
the exhibition of “Picture book, Animals, and Earth … the song of Life by 8 artists” at Gunma Museum of Art, Tatebayashi.
絵本「ちいさなりすのエメラルド」原画展を丸善丸の内本店さんにて原画展を開催。the exhibition of a picture book “chiisana risu no Emerald (A Little Squirrel Emerald)” at the book store Maruzen Marunouchi.
2017年、グループ展「私のお部屋」展(目白・ブックギャラリーポポタム) the group exhibion “My Room” at the book gallery Popotame.
2018年、絵本「エメラルドのさがしもの」原画展を、丸善丸の内本店、神保町ブックハウスカフェ、目白ブックギャラリーポポタム(ミニ展)、倉敷つづきの絵本屋にて開催。in 2018, exhibitions of a picture book “Emerald no sagashimono (Emerald is looking for her guest)” at the book store Maruzen Marunouchi, the Jimbo-cho Book House Cafe, the Book Gallery Popotame, and the Book Gallery Tsuduki no Ehon-ya.
2019年、絵本「みならいサンタ」原画展を丸善丸の内本店さんにて開催。in 2019, an exhibition of a picture book “Minarai Santa” at the book store Maruzen Marunouchi.