I am so glad to inform you that a solo-exhibition of the picture book “Emerald no sagashi-mono” (means like “ Emerald is looking for her guest”) will be started at the children’s bookstore Tenshin-Shobo on 3rd April. it will be ended 21st April. they’re so cheerful bookstore. you will like them! they will open from almost noon to the time when they think it is evening, and close on every mondays and also closes when they needs. so please check at their twitter before you coming.
●てんしん書房さんのアクセスのページ↓how to get there ( a map , the Tenshin-Shobo’s web page)
【2019/04/06追記。4/13(土)13:30-16:00在廊予定と決まりました。i’m going to be there at 13:30-16:00 on 13th April. よかったら、ぜひ遊びにいらしてくださいませ(^人^)】